Career Coach Bev Cares, and So Does Gallup

Wellbeing at Work

Early this year (2021), Gallup published a book entitled Wellbeing at Work. They published the book so that leaders of organizations (the head honchos of your company for example) can both measure the health and wellbeing of their employees in the workplace (“net thriving”) AND treat the problem of the lack of wellbeing of their employees at work.

The Best Possible Life

According to Gallup, well-being at work is the foundation of “the best possible life”; not only for individuals but for the economy and society as a whole. Gallup points out that a lack of wellbeing and increased rates of depression and anxiety among Americans can logically contribute to the stagnation of the economy as well as the continual decline in GDP.

A Plausible Push for Employee Wellbeing

Gallup is pushing organizations to begin measuring the company-wide wellbeing and resiliency of their employees including how many of their employees are stressed to near burnout compared to how many employees find regular inspiration at work.

Fixing the Problem: The 5 Elements of Wellbeing

Gallup is also presenting their 5 elements of wellbeing to organizations as the “treatment” for addressing the problem of the lack of wellbeing at work. These elements include 1 - Career Wellness, 2 - Social Wellness, 3 - Financial Wellness, 4 - Physical Wellness, and 5 - Community Wellness, in that order.

“What the whole world wants is a good job”

Gallup is doing all of this because of the discovery that: “What the whole world wants is a good job”. According to the book’s introduction, “People want a job that uses their God-given strengths every day with a manager who encourages their development.”

What About You?

Are you feeling a lack of wellbeing in your workplace? Are you making money but overworked and stressed out?

Consider connecting with a career coach today so they can help you find your way from where you are to where you (desperately) need to be.

Combining strengths and wellbeing at work is potentially the most transformational treatment yet in the urgent pursuit of resiliency, mental health, and ultimately net thriving.
— Jim Harter, Ph.D., Chief Scientist of Workplace Management and Wellbeing at Gallup

Wellbeing at Work was written by Jim Clifton and Jim Harter. Jim Clifton is Chairman and CEO at Gallup and Jim Harter is Chief Scientist of Workplace Management and Wellbeing at Gallup.

Article concept developed by Career Coach Beverly Lewinski. Article written by Lety Belle of Xpo SEO LLC. Date of initial publishing: November 5, 2021.