Navigate Your Career Growth with a Career Coach that Knows the Ropes

Your Career Growth Agenda Revealed…

Strategizing a path to your next job venture is exciting! It can also be challenging if you find yourself in need of new skills and competencies.

Achieving your goals requires flexibility and the willingness and ability to adapt yourself to your new work environment.

As you work with Career Coach Beverly Lewinski (Coach Bev) on your career growth, the following will be the agenda:

Grasping the Value You Bring to the Table

1 - Knowing Yourself

What are your strengths? What are the things you find challenging? What are your values? What are your core beliefs?

Coach Bev will select a set of powerful assessment tools for answering these questions. These assessments will be key in helping you identify your unique qualities so that you can form your path to success.

2 - Knowing Your Critical Competencies

What competencies do you need in order to be effective in your current job? What competencies do you need for effectiveness in your future job?

Do you need to develop your communication skills including how you listen to others, how you convey your messages, and how you respect the form of communication that others employ?

Are you able to prioritize your work effectively? Can you develop and execute an action plan?

Are you able to fuel action by setting measurable goals? Can you ensure that your actions align with your goals?

Are you able to effectively resolve conflict? Do you know how to move past differences with others? Are you able to utilize conflict so that it ends up strengthening your team?

Are you aware of how to hear the other person out and foster a win-win environment?

Finding Practical Ways to Grow Your Value

3 - Managing Yourself

Are you able to hold yourself accountable so you can truly grow? Can you manage your time effectively? Are you able to practice self-care?

Are you able to balance your work, your personal responsibilities, and your finances?

Do you have a strong foundation of healthy and supportive relationships? Do you have relationship foundations that allow you to take healthy risks and take on additional responsibilities?

4 - Growing your relationships

Do you know how to develop strong relationships with your co-workers? Do you know how to network internally within your department and organization?

Do you have a solid mentor who can help guide you to your next promotion?

Are you aware of trends and future opportunities in your field of work?

As you can see there is a lot to cover and there’s nothing stopping you from requesting a FREE consultation with Coach Bev as soon as possible.

Contact us today for an absolutely FREE CONSULTATION with Coach Bev!

Career Coach Bev Cares and So Does Gallup

Wellness at Work