The Career Help That Students So Desperately Need

The Truth Is, Most of Us are a Bit Lost

“Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?” We’ve all heard that question and many of us had an answer. When we were 7 years old.

As we’ve gotten older, the future has become less clear. There is so much to think about. So much to consider. The world is changing at blazing speeds and life as we know it, every day life, is changing too.

Career Counselor Beverly Lewinski, or simply “Coach Bev” to you (just not “that” kind of coach) is so eager to help you navigate the landscape of answering that old question up there, “What do you want to be?”.

Everything. All at Once.

The thing about being a young person is just that, you’re young. And you’re at a time in your life where you are learning literally everything all at once. So it’s important to have someone there to listen, inquire and guide you in your journey of learning. Someone that is there to help you figure “everything” out. To help you figure the most important thing out. What to study in college and what you will do for work when you finish. Coach Bev actually does this for a living and she’s done it A LOT already. This is Coach Bev’s purposeful life work.

You need that person that considers it an honor to support you at this stage in your life because they remember what it was like and they didn’t get it all right.

Coach Bev works with a powerful assessment tool called PathwayU. The tool is very comprehensive and once you fill out all the main questions (it takes about 15 minutes), you will know a whole lot about yourself and what kinds of jobs (yes plural) you are well suited to, and what you might study in order to reach YOUR goals!

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A Powerful Tool…

For deciding your major

PathwayU is designed specifically for the purpose of helping you map out your education, career, and employment path so you can have peace of mind and bank some confidence as you set forth into the new and exciting world of college and beyond.

An overview of the powerful tool, PathwayU that Coach Bev will help guide you through.

This life is about what you know and who you know, and the more you know the better.

Because of Coach Bev’s faith in the PathwayU tool and her relationship with its developers, she is able to offer lifetime access to the platform at a significant discount.

Coach Bev is standing ready for a FREE CONSULTATION to answer your questions and get you started on your pathway to your dream job! She will take it upon herself to get you started on the PathwayU platform and to maximize the value of the resulting information in your life.

We don’t all know it all and that’s okay. Coach Bev wants to help you put some serious knowledge in your personal knowledge bank and set you on the right course for your future, from the start.

So here you are with nothing to lose and everything to gain through a free consultation.

Contact Coach Bev today!

Contact us today for an absolutely FREE CONSULTATION with Coach Bev!