A Comprehensive Wellness Program with Wellness Coach Beverly Lewinski

“Be Well”…

As soon as you correspond with Coach Bev, you will immediately be confronted with her closing, “Be well”. Now, we aren’t talking about the type of closing included in a signature that you set up once and it’s automatically there ever afterward. We’re talking about someone that actually cares about your well-being and your ability to find and implement balance and structure in your life so that you are in fact: well. 

What is Wellness?

According to Coach Bev, if you are well, then you are by default in “best form”, meaning that you are able to perform and function at your best no matter what comes. It means that you are host to parallel harmonies of mind, body, and spirit and you radiate that balance from within. 

The Wellness Inventory Wellness Program

The Wellness Inventory is a comprehensive life-balance program that Coach Bev is certified with. It’s a program that she finds great value in and believes in.

The Wellness Inventory program is seen as a one-stop-shop for improving your self-care, your self-image, reducing stress, building resilience, and improving your work-life balance.

A Comprehensive Program

The fact that within the program you can find most of what you need to support the growth of balance in your life is just awesome.

The program includes a Wellness Assessment, a Personalized Action Plan, a Virtual Coach, a Progress Tracker, a Personal Journal, and a Resource Center!

The Wellness Wheel

Below you can witness the 12 different life processes represented in the Wellness Wheel that was developed by the program. These processes are seen as interacting with one another to shape our individual life experiences and our state of personal wellbeing.


Learn More

Learn more about the Wellness Inventory program by scheduling a free consultation with Coach Bev today!

We look forward to hearing from you! We would like nothing more than to support you on your journey toward improved life balance and improved well-being.

Be well!

Contact us today for an absolutely FREE CONSULTATION with Coach Bev!

Career Coach Bev Cares and So Does Gallup

Wellness at Work